Insulation: The #1 Way to Increase Your Home's Efficiency
We specialize in virtually everything attic related. We only use the highest quality blown in cellulose insulation to maximize your home's performance and energy savings. We always install at least the amount quoted, and we personally guarantee it! We are state licensed and insured to protect you, the homeowner. We'll do the most thorough job, treat your home with respect and clean up properly. This is why we say, "We're the ones to call when second best just won't do!"
We install premium grade cellulose insulation. Extensive, independent testing has repeatedly proven that cellulose outperforms all fiberglass products during both the winter heating and summer cooling seasons. Overwhelming evidence from internationally respected laboratories such as Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, University of Colorado School of Architecture, Cornell University, University of Illinois and even the National Research Council of Canada have concluded cellulose is superior to fiberglass in energy conservation, preventing air infiltration, slowing the spread of fire and reducing conduction. Conduction is the movement of heat through the insulation, resulting in ice dams and increased heating and cooling cost.
Fiberglass loses up to 40% of its R-value in the winter while cellulose actually gains R-value in the winter!
R-value lost is heat lost into the attic, resulting in higher heating bills and ice dams.
Virtually all older homes fall far short of today's standards, and surprisingly, even new homes in Michigan fail to meet the Department of Energy's minimum recommendation of R-49 for attic insulation. Homes insulated with fiberglass insulation lose even more energy during the winter because fiberglass R-value decreases as the temperature drops.
We all know energy costs are skyrocketing with no end in sight. The cost of natural gas for winter heating nearly tripled from 2012 to 2022 and the cost of air conditioning continues to climb as well. The ceiling in your home is the number one source of winter heat loss and summer heat gain.
The good news is, upgrading your attic insulation to reduce your energy costs is comparatively inexpensive and will also minimize ice damming, reduce your risk of attic mold infestation, improve your comfort, and increase your property value.
What Is "R" Value?
“R” value is a standardized measurement that gauges insulation's ability to resist heat flow. The HIGHER the "R" value the GREATER the INSULATING POWER.